The STEP Australia 2023 Board Welcomes a New Year


As we enter a new year we would like to officially announce the 2023 STEP Australia Board!

Ian Raspin TEP, Chair
Chris Herrald TEP, Deputy Chair
Jim O’Donnell TEP, Secretary
Michael Fox TEP, Treasurer
Mercia Chapman TEP, Director
Jennifer Sheean TEP, Director
Adrian Cartland TEP, Director
Rick Christie TEP, Director

A huge thank you to our immediate past chair Bryan Mitchell TEP for your time serving on the Board and continuing to lead national initatives for STEP Australia. It has been a privilege for all directors to work alongside you with your leadership. Your time in Chair has seen further national collaboration and success for STEP in Australia!

Hear from our 2023 Chair, Ian Raspin TEP of BNR Partners Pty Ltd

“I am excited and honored to announce my appointment as the Chair of STEP Australia and wish to thank my peers from across Australia for the both the privilege and honor of such an appointment.
I would like to also personally pass on my congratulations to my good friend Chris Herrald TEP of Mullins Lawyers in Brisbane, on her own appointment as Deputy Chair of STEP Australia.  Chris’ energy and passion will be a great addition to our already exceptional board.  
For those that have not heard of STEP, the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners is the preeminent global professional association of practitioners advising on trusts, estates and intergenerational wealth transfers across generations.  Our multi-disciplinary professional membership exceeds 20,000 members across 95 countries, and includes solicitors, barristers, financial wealth advisors, accountants, judicial and academic members.
Given Australia’s significant aging population and the massive intergenerational wealth transfers occurring, the importance and significant of STEP and its multidisciplinary membership has never been greater. If you are a professional advisor working with families, wealth and wealth transfers, I would strongly recommend exploring STEP membership.  
I am really look forward to the opportunity of continuing to work with the STEP Australia board and its amazing subcommittees, as collectively we all work together to support branches and members across Australia.”